May 24, 2010

School... & Us...

Well its official. I'm in my second week of college. I didn't know what to think when I decided to take an online class at the University I work for Monday thru Fridays. I knew it would only benefit me in the long run to further my education but man, its hard! I've been out of school for 5 years now. Thats a long time but I guess school is just like knowing how to ride a bike, you never forget.... I can only hope I remember how to ride my bike called school. :)

I'm going over some new ideas on marketing and even some neat things to add to the wedding side of my photography business. Can't wait to share them with you once I finalize them! I wonder what I'll find out about myself in this Psychology class I'm taking... besides the fact that I am procrastinating my lesson work right now. Hey! Admitting is the first step to recovery right?!?!

A few months ago one of Jeff's best friends took some awesome pictures of us. I realized that sometimes being a photographer you overlook having pictures taken of your family! Yet, thats what we do for a living! So, Jeff was kind enough to spend the afternoon with me taking pictures around Downtown Mobile. Here are a few of my favorites. I'm a huge black and white fan ... I've placed an order for a few of these to update our frames! I know, I know... My husband is smoking H-O-T!

^ oh yes we did... we have matching converse! woop woop! 

Ok, Ok, I'm going... to read and study. Like a good student!!!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pics you posted. You must NOT forget to be in pictures, not just take them.

    Now, go study.

    Grandma Claudia
