February 10, 2010


"I did not come to judge the world but to save the world." John 12:47

I love truth more than anything in this world. The truth of my Savior is my favorite truth! And I'm so thankful He didn't come to judge but to SAVE. He is my constant, when all other things fade away He will remain. Praise the Lord for that! Be praying for my sweet Nana this week. She is having open heart surgery on Friday and I'm not able to be with the family.

There are some exciting things happening this February.. Emily and Drew's wedding will be on the 27th in South Florida and I'm looking forward to working with my best friend on their wedding as well! On the 28th I have minislots open for photoshoots if anyone is interested please email me so we can get you booked! I'll be in the Ft.Lauderdale area :) jessicaleephotography@comcast.net . And because every post is better with a picture... I <3 this flower power picture..... alot.

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